This site will be 6 Years old on the 12th June 2024. Unfortunately, I am finding it difficult to be as hands-on as I used to be so I have some options open to me as follows:

1). Leave the site without any Moderation and let it crash and burn.

2). Allow an existing member still passionate about the website to moderate the site and contact me directly if any issues arise.

3). Lock the site so no new members can join but still have access to view the whole Forum without being able to create new posts/threads.

4). Close the whole site by the end of the year at the latest.

For me to carry on with this site, which needs some serious modernisation and upgrades to functions, will take a lot of my time which I do not have right now or in the foreseeable future, along with an element of expense.

I look forward to your comments in the Forum, which you will need to be logged in for, Via this LINK